Ive been using this glue of over a year and it's been fantastic, i roughly do 25 sets a week of lashes. My last order which i brought about 3 weeks ago i found the glue runny and it was sticking my tweezers together, threw it away and opened a new one, same problem, all these clients have had awful retention (not even 2 weeks) I've re-ordered which arrived the other day and brought different glues from VAVALASH, I used the power glue today. This was lovely to work with drives quickly and stuck to lashes like a magnet, also no sticky tweezers. Will have to wait and see about the retention. I won't be using this glue ( the one reviewed) now until that issue is fixed, as I said before I've been using it over a year and was getting 5 weeks retention from it.
1st time order works very fast and easy,will order again soon 👌
So difficult to work with. Not drying fast like it says, more like 3-4 sec even the humidity and temp is right. Difficult to make fans with..
So sad
Works great, and no heavy fumes